Saturday, March 27, 2010

29th March 2010

Hey guys!

Daisy here, tomorrow will be a show full of bits and bobs from around the Waikato, and from different teenagers doing different things: Jacob Crown (local teenage actor) will be reviewing The Importance of Being Earnest which he saw in Auckland =D and Tess Johnson (local teenage dancer) will be chatting to me about Stagechallenge 2010!!

Also, tune in to find out what change we're making to the music we play on the show...

Talk to you later!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

22nd March (that's tomorrow!!)

Tune in at 4:00pm when Nigel Elvidge will be in the studio! Nigel is from SportWaikato and we'll be talking about his role at SportWaikato, the interesting young sportspeople he's working with, and how YOU can learn more and get involved in sports - the usual sports and the slightly out there ones too...

Plus of course Daisy days (the event guide) and AWESOME music from New Zealand bands/artists.

Talk to you then!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

8th March 2010

Tomorrow on the show - an interview with Bryan Bevege! He is the office manager at Riverlea theatre, plus a tutor for stagecraft. So if you're interested in theatre the LISTEN to find out what goes on at Riverlea theatre...

And even if you're not, then tune in anyway! Because there will be awesome music for you to listen to =D

Tomorrow, 4:00pm, on Community Radio Hamilton!

Talk to you soon...